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Why It’s Great To Have A Big Butt

In the past, media primarily focused on small waists and big breasts. In 2015, Brazilian Butt Lifts and Gummy Bear Breast implants are sculpting and contouring women to appear natural and proportionate in size. Dr. Usha Rajagopal and staff at the San Francisco Plastic Surgery and Laser Center believe that a curvy behind represents femininity and strength!

Men and women can benefit from devine derrières alike. Think of all the great athletes of the world – they all had great glutes! From football players to ballet dancers, a firm and balanced behind represented strength and beauty. Divas like Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez are well recognized for representing women in the music and entertainment business and both have beautiful proportionate behinds to match their big personalities!

A beautiful behind represents femininity and youthfulness! As a person ages, certain things may not sit in the same place as years prior. A Brazilian Butt Lift can reverse the effects of aging on the derrière. A firm and perky behind fits better in clothes – from jeans to dresses and bikinis! Think of Marilyn Monroe and how she was praised for her classic measurements of 36-24-36. Men and women adored her, her femininity and classic curves!

It’s never too late to live life in the body you love!